Birthworker Meet Up
A chance for birth workers (doulas, midwives, CBE instructors, lactation consultants and IBCLCs, postpartum support professionals, students midwives, etc.) to meet up, connect, and build community. Please RSVP so that Sam knows how much coffee and snacks to provide!
Next gathering - April 11, 2024 at 10am
A chance for birth workers (doulas, midwives, CBE instructors, lactation consultants and IBCLCs, postpartum support professionals, students midwives, etc.) to meet up, connect, and build community. Please RSVP so that Sam knows how much coffee and snacks to provide!
Next gathering - April 11, 2024 at 10am
A chance for birth workers (doulas, midwives, CBE instructors, lactation consultants and IBCLCs, postpartum support professionals, students midwives, etc.) to meet up, connect, and build community. Please RSVP so that Sam knows how much coffee and snacks to provide!
Next gathering - April 11, 2024 at 10am